Termpest Termite and Pest Control



  Or, collecting interest on your hard earned cash in advance and  laughing all the way to the bank



Think about it


 I am amazed at how many people fall for this “con."  If once a year pest control really worked,  don’t you think all pest control companies would offer this service?  It sounds great, doesn’t it?  You wouldn’t have to wait around wasting valuable time while your pest control technician services your home every month or so.   After all, don’t you have better things to do? 



Why it doesn’t work



The simple answer is this.  Pest Control companies  must apply  chemicals at a very diluted rate.  That’s the law.  Otherwise we would endanger your safety.  These products, If applied properly, will kill and control the cockroaches, ants, and other pests.   However, some of these products only remain effective for a 30 days or so on the inside of a home or business and even less than this on the outside.  Many studies done by our industry experts on the effectiveness of these baits and chemicals we all use have proven this to be fact.  Why then is the once a year pest control service offered?



How people are conned (the one to ten scale)



Unscrupulous  pest control operators tell prospective customers that their service will last for a year because they use better products. They take advantage of the one to ten scale. Here’s how it works.


Mrs Smith is a #10.  She sees a single cockroach and calls for an extra service immediately. 


Mrs Jones is a #1.  She sees occasional cockroaches or other pests but never calls for an extra service.  Why?  Because she believes her situation would be worse if she didn’t have periodic pest control treatments.


Most people fall somewhere between the one to ten on this scale. These same operators even tell the customers that if extra service is required they will do it at no additional charge. They know that the majority of customers who call back for an extra service is relatively infrequent.  So, even if they have occasional requests  for an extra service they are still way ahead of the game.



So what’s wrong with that?


 Nothing... if you don’t mind paying for your "once a year service" a year in advance. The smart thing to do, however, would be to order a one time service. You would get the same treatment as the once a year providers would give you, but for much less money.  If you needed an extra service in the future it would be on a pay as you go basis.  Doesn't this make COMMON SENSE?



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