
Electro-Gun Termite Treatment

Services the Termpest Way

Termpest has faithfully served the residents of South Florida Since 1987.  Protecting homes and businesses in an environmentally friendly way is our primary goal.

Termpest is a leader in the treatment of drywood termites using the Electro-Gun.

The ElectroGun is a non-chemical electronic system for killing drywood termites in a localized part of your home or business. It combines high-frequency and high voltage to overcome wood’s natural resistance to electrical current flow.  the current will flow into the gallery and to the termites, killing them.

Please read the rest of our links in the menu to see that you are in good hands with Termpest, the leader in annihilating drywood termites with the Electro-Gun.

11625 Griffing Boulevard
Biscayne Park, FL  33161

Post Office Box 1342
Miami Shores, FL  33153

